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Master's Graduation July 2024

Congratulations to Lydia for graduating with her Master's degree! We’re thrilled to have you continue your research journey with us!

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Best CASE scientific poster at the SoCoBio DTP Annual Conference 2024

Noviann won the prize for best CASE scientific poster!


SoCoBio DTP Annual Conference 2024

Members of the Tullet and Ezcurra Labs attending the SoCoBio DTP Annual Conference at the University of Kent.


Postgraduate Prize Talks & Bioscience Poster Party - December 2023

Various Bioscience labs including the Worm Lab participated in a festive Posters and  3-Minute Thesis competition!


The BSRA Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

Members of the Tullet and Ezcurra Labs attending the BSRA Society Dinner at the Royal Society!


The BSRA Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

Noviann shares her exciting work on appetite regulation!


Summer Student 2023

Grace, an undergraduate student at UCL, completed a week of work experience in the Tullet Lab shadowing various lab members. 


The 10th Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting - 2023

Antonis sharing his exciting work on natural compounds at the conference!


Sarah attending an Innovate UK event - July 2023

Sarah shared her exciting research on anthocyanins!


Graduate and Researcher College Annual Postgraduate Conference - 2023

Antonis gave an impressive presentation about his ongoing project on natural compounds!


Lab Summer BBQ - 2023

A fun and sunny walk through Wye's fields followed by delicious food at Marina's house!


Summer Group Meal - 2023

Members of both worm labs enjoying an evening meal together!


The 24th International C. elegans Conference 2023

Marina Ezcurra and Jenny Tullet in Glasgow, Scotland!


The 24th International C. elegans Conference 2023

Members of the Ezcurra and Tullet Labs attending the C. elegans conference in Glasgow, Scotland.


Saxon Shore Relay - June 2023

A team from the Biosciences department, including Jenny, completed a 47-mile run around Kent!

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Christmas Party at Jenny's house 2022

A fun and uplifting get together with the Tullet and Ezcurra labs this year. Lots of food and fun!

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Visiting the Cherry Farm - Summer 2022

Sarah and Jenny had a site visit Michael, the cherry farmer in Kent who we collaborate with on our Innovate UK project. We learnt a lot about cherry processing and got to taste some of the delicious fruit.

The worm labs won the Biosciences Lab Olympic games (again)!
July 2022


Sicily 2021

As part of Jenny's role as Post Graduate director for Biosciences, she went to help with an EU funded PhD conference. After the hard work we had a chance to explore. This is taken at the top of Mount Etna with two of the Kent PhD students - it was freezing!

Celebrating the Tullet-Ezcurra Innovate UK grant

We discovered that cherry juice is excellent with both prosecco or tonic water...

Christmas party 2021

Due to the last minute COVID lockdown situation, we moved our annual Tullet-Ezcurra Christmas bash outside to Jenny's garden. We had a fire pit and some hot drinks to keep us warm.

Undergraduate project students 2021

It was great for our stage 3 undergrads to get back in the lab this year - they did some great work.

Summer BBQ 2021 at Marina's house

After a nice walk in Wye village we all settled down for some food and music in Marina's beautiful garden.


And Dan's viva after party!

October 2020


Dan Scanlon defends his PhD thesis online!

October 2020


Lockdown art in the Tullet house

April 2020


Our lab in lockdown...a sad sight.

March 2020

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Our summer outing to Wye together with our neighbours, the Ezcurra lab.

August 2019

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Really nice to celebrate with our Masters student Ana when she came back for graduation.

July 2019

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Max's PhD viva celebration!

July 2019

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Expecting great things from this new lab member...

July 2019

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Lego microscope installed in the lab...

March 2019


Lab Olympics 2018

August 2018


Lab Olympics 2018

July 2018



July 2018


Final Year Undergraduate Research Projects

Spring term 2018

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Superworms at St Stephens Infants, Canterbury.

May 2016


Exploring the nightlife in Leeds before the worm meeting September 2018.

September 2018

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UK worm meeting, Leeds.

September 2018

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Worm food in cake form.

November 2018

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